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Savanna Blog
Wildlife Blog – November 2017
September is usually the driest month of the year, as quite often our first rains only come in October. This means that the visibility is best, as the grass is short and thin, and the leaves from the deciduous trees have not yet started sprouting. It is one of the...
Wildlife Blog – November 2017
October was definitely the month for wild dog. Besides having the alpha female with her pups providing fantastic viewing almost constantly, the beta female also dropped a litter of pups! The den was initially only moved a few hundred metres from the original den, but...
Wildlife Blog – September 2017
It has been a while since our last blog, so we will combine the news from July and August. The seasons are changing quickly, with winter in full swing and good food and water for the herbivores disappearing just as fast. This has resulted in constant action around the...